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governverb to exercise authority or power overthe president is elected in order to govern the country, not to follow public opinion polls boss, captain, command, control, preside (over), rule, sway(archaic) conduct, direct, head, leadadminister, manage, micromanage, oversee, regulate, superintend, supervisedictate, dominate, domineer, lord (it over), master, oppress, reign (over), tyrannizeconquer, subdue, subjugate to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression)you need to govern your speech and be able to communicate your outrage without resorting to profanity bridle, check, constrain, contain, control, curb, hold, inhibit, keep, measure, pull in, regulate, rein (in), restrain, rule, tame bottle (up), choke (back), hold back, mince, muffle, pocket, repress, sink, smother, squelch, stifle, strangle, suppress, swallowarrest, interrupt, stopblock, hamper, handcuff, hinder, impede, obstructgag, muzzle, silence lose liberate, loose, loosen, unleashair, express, take out, vent to look after and make decisions aboutthe company's finances are governed by its chief financial officer administer, administrate, carry on, conduct, control, direct, guide, handle, keep, manage, operate, overlook, oversee, preside (over), regulate, run, steward, superintend, supervise, tend care (for), mind, watchlead, pilot, steerguard, protect, safeguardmicromanage, stage-managecodirect, comanage watch over in the 14th century |