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suitingverbpresent participle of suit to be fitting or properno, a second-floor room won't suit if there's no elevator, since one of us has a disability befitting, beseeming(archaic), doing, fitting(archaic), going, serving satisfying, sufficingfunctioning, working filling the bill(or fitting the bill) to give satisfaction tothe location of our hotel suited us just fine agreeing (with), contenting, delighting, feasting, gassing(slang), gladdening, gladding(archaic), gratifying, pleasing, pleasuring, rejoicing, satisfying, warming appeasing, mollifying, pacifying, placating, soothingassuaging, quenching, satiating, satingexciting, tickling, titillatingamusing, diverting, entertaining, treatingcaptivating, charminggalvanizing, thrillingcalming, comfortingcatering (to), humoring, indulgingcoddling, mollycoddling, pampering, spoiling displeasing aggravating, annoying, bothering, bugging, chafing, crossing, exasperating, galling, getting, grating, irking, irritating, nettling, peeving, perturbing, piquing, putting out, ruffling, vexingangering, enraging, incensing, inflaming(also enflaming), infuriating, maddening, outraging, rankling, riling, roiling, steaming upprovoking, rousingagitating, distressing, disturbing, fretting, upsettingharassing, harrying, pesteringaffronting, insulting, offending to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clotheswent to the party suited in a strange getup that he'd picked out himself appareling(or apparelling), arraying, attiring, bedecking, caparisoning, clothing, costuming, decking (out), doing up, dressing, dressing up, enrobing, garbing, garmenting, getting up, gowning, habiting, investing, rigging (out), robing, togging (up or out), toileting, vesturing cloaking, frocking, jacketing, mantling, vestingdraping, enswathing, happing(dialect), huddling, swaddling, swathing, wrappingaccoutring(or accoutering), bedighting(archaic), equipping, furnishing, habilitating, outfitting, tailoring, uniformingdressing down, underdressing disarraying, disrobing, stripping, unclothing, undressing, untrussing(archaic) denuding, divesting, uncovering, undraping, unveiling to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situationa bohemian by nature, she would have to suit her behavior to the corporate culture acclimating, acclimatizing, accommodating, adapting, adjusting, conditioning, conforming, doctoring, editing, fashioning, fitting, putting, shaping, tailoring readapting, readjustingcustomizing, gearing, matching, modeling(or modelling), patterningattuning, correcting, harmonizing, squaring, tuningestablishing, rooting, settlingacquainting, familiarizing, orientating, orientingequipping, preparing, priming, rehearsinghardening, inuring, seasoning, tougheningaltering, converting, making over, modifying, recasting, reclaiming, recycling, redesigning, redeveloping, redoing, reengineering, refashioning, refiguring, refitting, refocusing, reinventing, rejiggering, remaking, remodeling, revamping, revising, reworking, transformingaccustoming, conditioning, habilitating, habituating, naturalizingreadying, seasoningbendingfiddling (with), fine-tuning, phasing, registering, regulating, rigging misadjusting in 1883 |