例句 |
grabsnounpl. of grab an instance of thefta political activist who thinks the government's lease of public lands to logging companies amounts to an illegal land grab grabsverbpresent tense third-person singular of grabto take physical control or possession of (something) suddenly or forciblydon't grab my arm like that bags, captures, catches, collars, cops(slang), corrals, gets, gloms, grapples, hooks, lands, nabs, nails, nets, nobbles(British slang), raps, seizes, snags, snaps (up), snares, snatches, traps gloves, halters, lassos, ropesapprehends, arrests, detainsbays, cornersclasps, clutches, fastens (on), fists, grasps, grips, holds, latches (on or onto), securesrends, wrestsenmeshes(also immeshes), ensnares, entangles, entraps, meshesabducts, kidnaps, spirits (away or off) takes hold (of) misses discharges, frees, liberates, releasesdrops, loosens, unhands |