例句 |
at oncephrase at one and the same timeI have three papers due all at once. coincidentally, coincidently, concurrently, contemporaneously, simultaneously, together close, immediately, narrowly, near in unison separately apart, independently, individually, singlyconsecutively, successively without delayCall me at once when you get this message. bang, directly, forthwith, headlong, immediately, incontinently, instantaneously, instanter, instantly, now, PDQ, plumb, presently, promptly, pronto, right, right away, right now, right off, straightaway, straight off, straightway away, freelyanon, momentarily, shortly, soonapace, briskly, fast, fleetly, full-tilt, posthaste, quick, quickly, rapidly, readily, snappily, speedily, swift, swiftlyabruptly, presto, suddenly, unexpectedlyhastily, impetuously, impulsively, rashly, recklesslyexactly, opportunely, punctually, seasonably in no time, off the bat, on a dime, on the double, on the spot slowlylate, tardily |