例句 |
traducesverbpresent tense third-person singular of traduce to fail to keepa law that traduces one of our most cherished rights: the right to privacy breaches, breaks, contravenes, fractures, infringes (on or upon), offends, transgresses, violates disobeys, rebelsblows off, brushes (off), disregards, flouts, ignores, neglects, overlooks, overpasses, passes over, slights, tunes out, winks (at)dismisses, pooh-poohs(also poohs), scorns, shrugs offdefies, resists, withstands complies (with), conforms (to), follows, minds, obeys, observes defers (to), serves, submits (to), surrenders (to), yields (to)attends, hears, heeds, listens (to), marks, notes, notices, regards, watches to make untrue and harmful statements aboutmy opponent in this campaign may villainously traduce me, but I will not stoop to his level asperses, blackens, calumniates, defames, libels, maligns, slanders, smears, vilifies belittles, denigrates, detracts, disparagesdiscredits, disgraces, dishonors, shamesabases, debases, degrades, humbles, humiliatesdisdains, scorns exalts, glorifies, honorsacclaims, applauds, commends, praisesesteems, respectsadmires, regardsadores, reveres, venerates, worships |