例句 |
otheradjective being not of the same kindno, I need the other pen, the blue one different, disparate, dissimilar, distant, distinct, distinctive, distinguishable, diverse, nonidentical, unalike, unlike divers, miscellaneous, mixed, several, sundry, variant, varied, variousdifferentiable, discriminablealternate, alternative, individual, particular, peculiar, singledisproportionate, divergent, unequal alike, identical, indistinguishable, kin, kindred, like, parallel, same, similar equal, selfsameequivalent, tantamountakin, analogous, comparable, homological, homologous, relatedhomogeneous, homogenous, uniform resulting in an increase in amount or numberwe'll be taking one other person on the trip added, additional, another, else, farther, fresh, further, more accessory, adjunct, collateral, extraneous, peripheral, side, supplemental, supplementarynewexcess, extra, plus, spare, supernumerary, supervenient, surpluscomplementary, contributory fewer, less having been such at some previous timeI was something of a celebrity in other days erstwhile, former, late, old, once, onetime, past, quondam, sometime, whilom bygone, dead, defunct, departed, expired, extinct, gone, long-ago, vanished contemporary, current, extant, ongoing, present, present-daycoming, future, prospective, unborn before the 12th century |