例句 |
grievancesnounpl. of grievance a lingering ill will towards a person for a real or imagined wrongthis is no place to air your grievances against him downs(chiefly British), grudges, resentments, scores condemnationsoffenses(or offences), umbragescomplaintsdudgeons, huffs, peeves, piquesdespites, malevolences, malices, spites, spleens, venomsanimosities, antagonisms, antipathies, enmities, hostilities, rancors an expression of dissatisfaction, pain, or resentmentshe decided to file a formal grievance against the utility company beefs, bitches, bleats, carps, complaints, fusses, gripes, grouches, grouses, grumbles, hollers, kvetches, laments, misereres, moans, murmurs, plaints, squawks, wails, whimpers, whines, whinges(British), yammers challenges, demurs, expostulations, kicks, niggles(chiefly British), objections, protests, quibbles, remonstrances, stinks commendations, compliments, plauditsacclaim, applauses, praisesapprovals, endorsements(also indorsements), sanctions |