

单词 charges
例句 chargesnounpl. of charge

a formal claim of criminal wrongdoing against a personcharges of burglary and armed robbery that have yet to be proved

complaints, counts, indictments, raps

accusations, allegations, pleascriminationscounteraccusations(or counter-accusations), countercharges(or counter-charges)arraignments, impeachmentsimplications, imputations, innuendos(or innuendoes), insinuationscensures, condemnations, denunciationsincriminations, recriminations

a specific task with which a person or group is chargedyour charge is to keep everyone else organized and busy

assignments, briefs, businesses, details, jobs, missions, operations, posts

burdens, chores, duties, needs, obligations, offices, requirements, responsibilitieserrands, labors, workscommitments, pledges, promisesappointments, commissions, designations, nominationscompulsions, constraints, restraints

a statement of what to do that must be obeyed by those concernedwe've received an official charge about how to handle the situation

behests, commandments, commands, decrees, dictates, directions, directives, dos(or do's), edicts, imperatives, injunctions, instructions, orders, words

demands, requirementsmandatescountermands, counterorders(or counter-orders)laws, precepts, prescriptions, prescripts, rulesordinances, regulations, statutes

appeals, entreaties, petitions, pleas, urgingsproposals, recommendations, suggestions

something one must do because of prior agreementthe first charge of our armed forces is to defend this country against enemy attack

burdens, commitments, devoirs, dos(or do's, archaic), duties, imperatives, incumbencies, needs, obligations, offices, responsibilities

oaths, pledges, promises, troths, vows, wordsarrangements, prearrangements(or pre-arrangements), setupscompacts, contracts, covenants, pacts, trustsdebts, payments, tributescompulsions, constraints, restraintsmusts, requirementscoercions, duresses, forcesappointments, engagements, reservationsburdens, onuses

graces, postponements, staysdischarges, eases, exemptions, releases, reliefs, waiversloopholesalternatives, choices, options, picks, preferences, selections

the act or action of setting upon with force or violencethe famously disastrous charge led by General George Pickett at Gettysburg

aggressions, assaults, attacks, attempts, blitzes, blitzkriegs, coups de main, descents, offenses(or offences), offensives, onsets, onslaughts, raids, rushes, strikes

ambuscades, ambushescounteraggressions(or counter-aggressions), counterassaults(also counter-assaults), counterattacks(or counter-attacks), counteroffensives, counterstrikes(or counter-strikes)sallies, sortiesenvelopmentsbreakthroughs, forays, incursions, invasionspillages, ravages, sacksair raids, bombardments, bombingssieges, stormsbarrages, cannonades, fusillades, hails, salvos(or salvoes), volleyswhammies

defenses, defensives, guards, shieldsoppositions, resistancesprotections, securities, shelters

the amount of money that is demanded as payment for somethingthe charge for the book will be five dollars

antes, costs, damages, fees, figures, freights, prices, price tags

fair market values, market values, valuations, valuesasking prices, list prices, sticker pricesprice points, rates, tariffs, unit pricescarrying charges, overcharges, service charges(also service fees), surchargesdeductions, discounts, markdowns, reductions, salesdepositsdown paymentsaccounts, bills, checks, invoices, tabs

the duty or function of watching or guarding for the sake of proper direction or controlwas given charge of the business during the owner's absence

care, guidance, headships, oversights, regulations, stewardships, superintendences, superintendencies, supervisions, surveillances

observances, observationsadministrations, controls, directions, generalships, hands, managementsleadershipsgovernments, reigns, rulesaegises(also egises), auspices, guardianships, protections, trusteeships, tutelages

a payment made in the course of achieving a resultthe charges mounted at a dizzying pace as the building project went way over budget

costs, disbursements, expenditures, expenses, outgoes, outlays

overheadsoutflowspocket moneys, spending moneysprices, rates, tabs, tariffs, tolls

a pleasurably intense stimulation of the feelingsthe slopes at this resort aren't particularly challenging and aren't likely to give expert skiers much of a charge

bangs, boots, exhilarations, frissons, jollies, kicks, rushes, thrills, titillations, wallops

arousals, buzzes, electrifications, highs, intoxicationsjolts, shocks, surprises(also surprizes)delectations, delights, enjoyments, joys, lifts, pleasuresamusements, diversions, entertainments, fun, treats

the act or activity of looking after and making decisions about somethinghe inherited charge of the Paris bureau after his supervisor quit

administrations, care, conducts, controls, directions, governances, governments, guidance, handlings, intendances, managements, operations, oversights, presidencies, regulations, stewardships, superintendences, superintendencies, supervisions

generalships, leaderships, rulershipsagenciesaegises(also egises), custodies, guardianships, laps, protections, trusts, tutelages, wardslogistics, machinations, manipulationscoadministrations, codirections(or co-directions)

chargesverbpresent tense third-person singular of charge

to set or receive as a priceany shop would charge $100 to repair that thing

asks, commands, demands

overcharges, underchargesbrings, fetches, sells (for)discounts, marks down, marks upassesses, bills, invoicesprices, values

to establish or apply as a charge or penaltycharges a restocking fee for returned merchandise

assesses, exacts, fines, imposes, lays, levies, puts

docks, excises, mulcts, penalizes, taxesextorts, shakes down, wrests, wringsbleeds, fleeces, gouges, milks, skins, squeezescoerces, compels, forcesinflicts, wreakssetsreapplies, reimposes, relays


abates, diminishes, lessensforgives, releasescondones, disregards, excuses, glosses (over), glozes (over), ignores, pardons

to give a task, duty, or responsibility towe're charging you with the care of your little sister while we're gone for the evening

assigns, commissions, entrusts(also intrusts), tasks, trusts

confers, imposescommits, confides, consigns, delegates, recommends, relegates, reposesallocates, allotsauthorizes, empowers, invests

to issue orders to (someone) by right of authoritycharged the soldier to keep watch over the prisoner

adjures, bids, bosses (around), commands, directs, enjoins, instructs, orders, tells

asks, petitions, requestsbegs, beseeches, entreatsadvises, counsels, warnsappoints, assigns, authorizes, commissionsoversees, superintends, supervisesconducts, controls, leads, managescoerces, compels, constrains, forces, obliges, requires

minds, obeys

complies (with), follows, keeps, observes

to make a claim of wrongdoing againsthe has not yet been charged with any crime

accuses, criminates, defames(archaic), impeaches, incriminates, indicts

blames, calls (on), castigates, censures, condemns, criticizes, damns, denounces, faults, impugns, reproaches, reprobateschides, rebukes, reproves, taxesappeals, arraigns, books, cites, summonsprosecutes, sues, triesframes, implicates, inculpates, informs (against), names, reportsrecriminates, retaliates

absolves, acquits, clears, exculpates, exonerates, vindicates

advocates, champions, defendsexcuses, forgives, justifies, pardons, remits, shrives

to put into (something) as much as can be held or containedcharge a blast furnace with iron ore

brims, crams, fills, heaps, jam-packs, jams, loads, packs, stuffs

drenches, floods, gluts, swampsbloats, bulkscrowds, crushes, mats, presses, rams, shoves, squashes, squeezesrefills, refreshes, reloads, repacks, replenishesovercharges, overfills, overflows, saturateshoneycombs, penetrates

clears, empties, evacuates, vacates, voids

lightensdepletes, drains, eliminates, exhaustsbleeds, draws (off)cleans, flushes, purges, scours, sweeps

to take sudden, violent action againstplans to charge the enemy's fortification at daybreak

assails, assaults, attacks, besets, bushwhacks, descends (on or upon), goes in (on), jumps (on), pounces (on or upon), raids, rushes, sets on, sics(also sicks), storms, strikes, trashes, turns (on)

bum-rushes, gangs up (on), mobs, swarmsmugs, robsambuscades, ambushes, surprises(also surprizes), waylaysblitzes, bombards, bombs, nukesbarrages, cannonades, cannonsbangs away (at), batters, buffets, plastersbeleaguers, besieges, pressesharries, loots, pillages, plunders, ravages, sacksforays, invades, overrunsenvelops, flanks

beats up on, flies at, goes at, lights into, pitches into, rounds on, sets at, sets upon, tears into

covers, defends, guards, protects, secures, shields

to cause a pleasurable stimulation of the feelings ofthe players are going into this game still charged from their upset victory the week before

electrifies, excites, exhilarates, galvanizes, intoxicates, pumps up, thrills, titillates, turns on

arouses, incites, inspires, provokes, stimulatesbewitches, captivates, charms, delights, enchants, enthralls(or enthrals), hypnotizes, mesmerizes, rivets, spellbindsinterests, intrigues, tantalizes

bores, jades, palls, tires, weariesdejects, demoralizes, discourages, disheartens, dispirits





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