例句 |
chariotsnounpl. of chariot a vehicle with two wheels that was pulled by horses and was raced and used in battle in ancient timesa chariot race barouches, broughams, buckboards, buggies, cabriolets, cabs, calashes, calèches(or caleches), caroches, carryalls, chaises, coaches, coupés(or coupes), curricles, diligences, dogcarts, droshkies(also droskies), four-in-hands, gigs, go-carts, hackneys(or hackney coaches), hansoms(or hansom cabs), jaunting cars, landaus, phaetons, post chaises, roadsters, rockaways, stagecoaches, stages, stanhopes, surreys, tandems, tilburies, tongas, traps, troikas, victoriascarriages, equipages, rigsturnouts |