例句 |
out-of-dateadjective having passed its time of use or usefulnesshis file contained out-of-date information that might have been accurate when he was first hired but is no longer so antiquated, archaic, dated, démodé, demoded, fossilized, kaput(also kaputt), medieval(also mediaeval), moribund, mossy, moth-eaten, neolithic, Noachian, obsolete, outdated, outmoded, outworn, passé, prehistoric(also prehistorical), rusty, Stone Age, superannuated aging(or ageing), obsolescentdiscarded, disused, inoperable, unusable, unworkable, uselessdead, defunct, expired, extinct, vanisheddormant, fallow, free, idle, inactive, inert, inoperative, latentancient, antediluvian, antique, dateless, fusty, musty, oldoldfangled, old-fashioned, old-time, retro, vintageaged, age-old, hoary, venerableatavistic, bygone, erstwhile, former, historic, historical, late, old-world, past contemporary, current, mod, modern, new, newfangled, new-fashioned, present-day, recent, ultramodern, up-to-date, up-to-the-minutefreshmodernized, refurbished, remodeled, renewedfunctional, operable, operational, workableactive, alive, busy, employed, functioning, operating, operative in 1589 |