例句 |
signifiesverbpresent tense third-person singular of signify to be of importancenever mind, as the color of the room doesn't signify in the least counts, imports, matters, means, weighs affects, concerns, influences, swaysadds up (to), amounts (to) carries weight, cuts ice to communicate or convey (as an idea) to the mindthe symbol failed to signify anything to me—until I realized that it was upside down denotes, expresses, imports, intends, means, spells connotes, implies, suggestsadds up (to), amounts (to)hints, infers, insinuates, intimatesembodies, epitomizes, personifies, represents, symbolizes, symbolsadverts, alludes (to), cites, instances, mentions, refers (to), specifies, touches (on or upon)designates, indicates, points (to), signalsannounces, declares, proclaimselucidates, explains to serve as a sign or symptom ofthe opening of the new mall signifies the city's overdue emergence from economic depression |