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gulfsnounpl. of gulf a part of a body of water that extends beyond the general shorelinewe dipped our feet in the warm waters of the gulf arms, bays, bights, coves, creeks(chiefly British), embayments, estuaries, firths, fjords(also fiords), inlets, lochs(Scottish) harbors, ports, roads, roadsteadsnarrows, sounds, straitsbayousbackwaters, sloughs(also slews or slues) an immeasurable depth or spacethe gulf of understanding between the two men was too wide for them to ever get along abysms, abysses, chasms, deeps, oceans clefts, crevasses, crevices, fissurescaverns, holes, hollows, pitsbreadths, expanses, extents, reaches, spreads, stretchesblack holes, vacancies, vacuities, vacuums(or vacua), voids a narrow opening between hillsides or mountains that can be used for passagethe gulf was too wide to cross, so we had to hike down into it and go through it canyons(also cañons), cols, couloirs, defiles, flumes, gaps, gills(British), gorges, gulches, kloofs(South African), linns(chiefly Scottish), notches, passes, ravines, saddles abysses, chasms, cirques, clefts, crevasses, crevices, cwms(chiefly British), fissurescombes(also coombes or coombs, British), dales, dells, glens, hollows, shut-ins, vales, valleysbasins, floodplains, kettlesarroyos, barrancas(also barrancos), coulees, draws, gullies(also gulleys), gutters, nullahs, trenches, troughs, wadis, washes(West) an open space in a barrier (as a wall or hedge)a wide gulf in the defensive wall meant the city was in grave danger breaches, breaks, discontinuities, gaps, hiatuses, holes, interstices, intervals, openings, rents, rifts, separations, voids chinks, clefts, cracks, crannies, crevices, fissuresnotches, slits, slots, splitsinterspaces, poresabysses, apertures, cavities, chasms, gapes, orificesfractures, ruptures, severances water moving rapidly in a circle with a hollow in the centerthe doomed ship was sucked into the gulf and consigned to Davy Jones's locker gulfsverbpresent tense third-person singular of gulfto cover with a floodwith the administration gulfed by so many real problems, it's absurd for the president to concern himself with this nonissue deluges, drowns, engulfs, floods, inundates, overflows, overwhelms, submerges, submerses, swamps avalanches, smothersovercomes, overrunsflows, flushes, gushes, pours, sluices, spouts, spurts, streamsdouses(also dowses), drenches, soaks, wets drains dehydrates, dries, parches |