例句 |
outsideadjective situated on the outside or farther outslower moving vehicles should keep to the outside lane exterior, external, outer, outward outermost, outlying, outmostsuperficial, surface inner, inside, interior, internal, inward inmost, innermostmid, middle, midmost small in degreethough they haven't been playing at their best, they still have an outside chance of making it into the championship series fragile, frail, negligible, off, remote, slight, slim, small marginal, minimal, minorlittle, tiny good great, largedistinct, significantconsiderable, goodly, healthy, largish, respectable, significant, sizable(or sizeable), substantial, tidy of the greatest or highest degree or quantitythe outside cost for repairing the item will be a thousand dollars consummate, last, max, maximum, most, nth, paramount, supreme, top, ultimate, utmost, uttermost unequaled(or unequalled), unmatched, unparalleled, unrivaled(or unrivalled), unsurpassedbiggest, hugest, largesttopmost, upmost, uppermost least, minimal, minimum, slightest littlest, minutest, smallest, tiniestlowestfewest outsideadverbin or into the open airgo outside and smoke, if you must alfresco, out, outdoors without indoors in, inside, within outsidenounan outer part or layerpainted the outside of the house exterior, face, shell, skin, surface, veneer facade(also façade), front, topcover, covering, facingappearance, disguise, guise, mask, semblance, show inside, interior the greatest amount, number, or partthere were 300 people at the outside who attended the softball game the outward form of someone or something especially as indicative of a qualityon the outside, he was the self-assured star athlete appearance, aspect, dress, figure, garb, look, mien, presence, regard(archaic) air, attitude, bearing, behavior, comportment, demeanor, deportment, manner, poise, posecarriage, posture, stancecast, mold, shape, turncolor, coloring, complexioncountenance, face, features, habit, habitus, person(archaic), physiognomy, superficies, visage cut of one's jib outsideprepositionnot includingoutside that one suggestion, I haven't heard any better ideas apart from, aside from, bar, barring, beside, besides, but, except(also excepting), except for, excluding, exclusive of, other than, outside of, save, saving out of the reach or sphere ofit is always refreshing to be assigned a project at work that is outside one's usual range of responsibility beyond, outside of, without except(also excepting) within inside in the 15th century |