例句 |
dormancynoun a state of temporary inactivitysome volcanoes have eruptive cycles marked by long stretches of dormancy abeyance, cold storage, deep freeze, doldrums, holding pattern, latency, moratorium, quiescence, suspended animation, suspense, suspension inaction, inertia, inertness, motionlessnessimpasse, standstillcoma, hibernation, hypnosis, repose, rest, sleep, slumber, torporrecess, recession, remissiondowntime, idleness, layoff continuance, continuation recommencement, renewal, resumption, resuscitation lack of action or activitya fighting force that could be roused instantly from dormancy to action idleness, inaction, inactivity, inertness, nonaction, quiescence indolence, inertia, languor, lassitude, laziness, lethargy, listlessness, shiftlessness, sleepiness, sloth, sluggishnessdallying, loafing, lolling, lounging action, activeness, activity animateness, briskness, exuberance, jazziness, liveliness, peppiness, robustness, sprightliness, vibrancy, vivacityassiduity, assiduousness, business, diligence, employment, industriousness, industry, occupation in 1789 |