例句 |
chordnoun a subjective response to a person, thing, or situationthe story of the family's woes struck a sympathetic chord with newspaper readers emotion, feeling, passion, sentiment impression, perception, sensation, senseangle, attitude, outlook, perspective, standpoint, viewpointbelief, conviction, judgment(or judgement), mind, notion, opinion, persuasion, verdict, viewreceptiveness, receptivity, responsiveness, sensibility, sensitiveness, sensitivity insensitiveness, insensitivity, unfeelingness chordverbto be in agreement on every pointthe revised system chords perfectly with the original goals accord, agree, answer, check, cohere, coincide, comport, conform, consist, correspond, dovetail, fit, go, harmonize, jibe, rhyme(also rime), sort, square, tally equal, match, parallelalign(also aline), line up, register fall in with differ (from), disagree (with) contradict, dispute, gainsaynegate, nullifyclash, conflict, jar in the 14th century |