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chumnoun a person who has a strong liking for and trust in anothercollege chums who go way back alter ego, amigo, buddy, compadre, comrade, confidant, confidante, crony, familiar, friend, intimate, mate(chiefly British), musketeer, pal acquaintanceassociate, cohort, colleague, companion, fellow, hearty, hobnobber, partner, peer, sportblood brother, brother, main man, sisterabettor(also abetter), accomplice, ally, collaborator, confederatepen palbenefactor, supporter, sympathizer, well-wisherfriendly enemy, foe adversary, antagonist, competitor, opponent, rivalarchenemy, nemesis chumverbto come or be together as friendsthey always chum around together associate, company, consociate, consort, fraternize, hang (around or out), hobnob, hook up, mess around, pal (around), run, sort, travel affiliate, ally, attach, band, bond, club, collaborate, collude, confederate, conjoin, connect, cooperate, couple, gang, get along, get on, group, interrelate, join, knot, league, link, mingle, mix, rally, relate, side, socialize, team, tie, wedbefriend, friend be friends with, fall in with, keep company (with), rub elbows (with)or rub shoulders (with), take up with avoid, cold-shoulder, shun, snubalienate, estrangebreak up, disband, disperse, split (up)disjoin, dissociate, disunite, divorce, sever, split, sunder in 1684 |