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trailsnounpl. of trail a rough course or way formed by or as if by repeated footstepstook a trail through the woods to get to the main road footpaths, paths, pathways, traces, tracks bridle pathstowpathsalleys, alleyways, bypaths, byroads, bystreets, byways, passageways, walkwayscutoffs, shortcutslanes, passages, passes, roads, roadways, routes, rows, runs, runways, streets, thoroughfares a mark or series of marks left on a surface by something that has passed along itthe slugs left a slimy trail on the sidewalk imprints, traces, tracks footmarks, footprints, footsteps, hoofprints, paths, prints, pugs, ruts, steps, treadsartifacts, evidences, leavings, relics, remainders, remains, reminders, remnants, residuals, residues, signs, spoor(or spoors), telltales, tokens, vestigesclues, cues, hints, indications, inklings, intimations, leads, suggestionsscents, shadows, whiffs trailsverbpresent tense third-person singular of trailto go after or on the track ofwe trailed our friend into the woods, inadvertently spoiling his plans for a solitary hike bird-dogs, chases, courses, dogs, follows, hounds, pursues, runs, shadows, tags, tails, traces, tracks accompanies, chaperones(or chaperons), escortshunts, searches (for), seekseyes, observes, watches runs after guides, leads, pilots heads |