例句 |
mediocritiesnounpl. of mediocrity a person of little fameHe surrounded himself with mediocrities to appear more notable by comparison. inferiors, obscuritiesno-names, noncelebritiesleastsnonpersonsciphers, dwarfs(also dwarves), half-pints, insects, insignificancies, lightweights, morsels, nobodies, nonentities, nullities, numbers, pip-squeaks, pygmies(also pigmies), shrimp(or shrimps), snippersnappers, twerps, whippersnappers, zeros(also zeroes), zilcheschumps, dupes, foils, gulls, suckers, victimsminions, stoogeslap dogs, yes-menpuppetscat's-paws, figureheads, instruments, lay figures, pawns, tools chiefs, heads, leaders, leadscelebrities, luminaries, notables, personalities, planets, stars, superstarsauthorities, superiorsgreat powers, parties, powersbig shots, big wheels, bigwigs, eminences, figures, kahunas, kingpins, magnates, nabobs, personages, somebodies, VIPs |