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skewverb to depart from a straight line or course or from a middle position or valueA glitch caused the image on the screen to skew to one side. This show's viewers tend to skew a little older. angle, cant, cock, heel, incline, lean, list, pitch, slant, slope, tilt, tipbreak, cut, sheer, swerve, veer, yaw, zag, zigslew(also slue)arc, arch, bend, bow, crook, curve, hook, round, sweep, wheelabout-face, pivotcircle, coil, curl, loop, spiralturn, twist, windweave, zigzagdeviate, stray, wander, waver straightenmerge to change (something) in a way that makes it unfair or inaccurateThe researchers tried to anticipate any problems that might skew the results of the study. Try not to let that one negative experience skew your opinion of the restaurant. bias, poison, prejudice, turndispose, incline, predisposeinfluence, prepossessconvince, persuade, suggest in the 15th century |