例句 |
mediumsnounor mediapl. of medium a middle point between extremestrying to achieve a happy medium as far as the demands of career and family are concerned something used to achieve an endregards political activism on the local level as the best medium for effecting social change agencies, agents, instrumentalities, instruments, machineries, means, ministries, organs, vehicles determinants, expedients, factors, influences, ingredients, mechanisms, toolsweaponsactivators, animators, catalysts, drivers, energizers, executors, generators, impetuses, incentives, inspirations, instigations, instigators, launchers, movers, powers, stimuli, triggersantecedents, causes, occasions, reasonssubagencies(or sub-agencies), subagents(or sub-agents) the circumstances, conditions, or objects by which one is surroundedan artist who enjoys the cultural medium of the big city ambients, atmospheres, climates, climes, contexts, contextures, environments, environs, milieus(or milieux), mise-en-scènes, settings, surroundings, surrounds, terrains locations, places, positions, spacesbackdrops, backgroundselementssituations, statusesgeographies, habitatsmicroenvironments a person who claims to speak with or for the spirits of the deadthe medium claims that she can put the grieving parents in touch with the spirit of their deceased son a place or opportunity for communicating ideas and informationI think a blog might be a good medium for sharing your reviews of local restaurants forums(also fora), outlets, platforms, soapboxes, venues channels, conduits, pipelinesshowcases, stages |