例句 |
habilimentnoun usually habiliments pl.covering for the human bodythe lady's rich habiliments and haughty manner made the host's servants think she was someone important apparel, attire, clobber(British slang), clothes, clothing, costumery, dress, duds, garments, gear, habit(archaic), rags, raiment, rig, rigging, threads, toggery, togs, vestiary, vestments, vesture, wear, wearables, weeds garderobe, wardrobearray, bravery, caparison, finery, gaiety(also gayety), glad rags, pretties, regalia, trimfoofaraw, frippery, gaudery, tawdry, trumpery(archaic)tatterscostume, ensemble, frock, garb, getup, guise, livery, outfitcivvies(also civies), mufticouture, prêt-à-porter(or pret-a-porter), ready-to-wear, tailoringactivewear, loungewear, outerwear, playwear, sportswearnightclothes, sleepwear, smallclothes, underclothes, underwearhaberdashery, menswear in the 15th century |