例句 |
meeklyadverb in a manner showing no signs of pride or self-assertionthe dominant personality, he is always taking advantage of his so-called best friend, who just meekly accepts it abjectly, deferentially, hat in hand, humbly, lowly, meanly, modestly, sheepishly, submissively obsequiously, servilely, subservientlyfearfully, mousily, timidlybashfully, diffidently, self-deprecatingly, shyly, timorouslycivilly, courteously, politely, respectfully, suppliantly cap in hand arrogantly, audaciously, boldly, brashly, brazenly, contemptuously, haughtily, huffily, imperiously, loftily, pompously, presumptuously, pretentiously, pridefully, proudly, scornfully, self-importantly, superciliously, swaggeringly, uppishly fearlesslydiscourteously, disdainfully, disrespectfully, impertinently, rashly, recklessly, saucilybitchily, impolitely, impudently, rudely, uncivilly, ungraciously |