例句 |
hairsnounpl. of hair a very small distance or degreea race that was won by a hair aces, hairbreadths(or hairsbreadths), hairlines, inches, necks, steps, stone's throws bits, crumbs, dabs, iotas, jots, minims, mites, particles, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), traces, trifles country miles, long hauls, miles infinities, light-years a thin, flexible structure that resembles a hairdiscovered hairs on the plant's stem bristles, fibers, filaments, threads microfiberscords, ropes, strings, wires, yarnsfuzzes, tufts the hairy covering of a mammal especially when fine, soft, and thickhas no hair, but wears a wig a coat made of camel's hair coats, fleeces, furs, jackets, pelages, piles, wools undercoats, underfurshides, leathers, pelts, skins |