例句 |
overshadowverb to make dark, dim, or indistinctlarge trees overshadow the yard and darken the house for much of the day becloud, bedim, befog, blacken, blear, blur, cloud, darken, dim, dislimn, fog, fuzz (up), haze, mist, obscure, overcast, overcloud, shadow, shroud adumbrate, blot out, conceal, eclipse, hide, obliterate, screen, shadecamouflage, cloak, cover, curtain, disguise, mask, veil brighten, illuminate, illumine, light (up), lighten expose, reveal, uncover, unveil to be greater in importance thanlater you'll find that verbal skills overshadow any skills you have at video games outrank, outweigh, overbalance, overweigh count, import, matter, mean, signify, weighdwarfexceed, outstrip, surpass, transcend before the 12th century |