例句 |
slaughternoun the killing of a large number of peopleall civilized nations should protest this senseless slaughter bloodbath, butchery, carnage, death, holocaust, massacre bloodletting, bloodshed, foul play, homicide, killing, manslaughter, murder, slayingmortalityannihilation, decimation, demolishing, destruction, devastation, eradication, exterminationgenocide, pogromassassination, execution slaughterverbto kill on a large scalemodern poultry farms slaughter a vast number of chickens every day butcher, massacre, mow (down) assassinate, croak(slang), dispatch, do in, execute, fell, murder, slay, smite, snuffannihilate, blot out, decimate, demolish, destroy, devastate, eradicate, exterminate, waste, wipe out in the 14th century |