例句 |
slaveriesnounpl. of slavery the state of being a slavea child born into slavery bondages, enslavements, servilities, servitudes, thralldoms(or thraldoms), thralls, yokes peonages, serfdomsdependences(also dependances), subjections, subjugationscaptivities, enchainments, imprisonments, incarcerations freedoms, liberties emancipations, enfranchisements, liberations, manumissionsautonomies, independences, sovereignties(also sovranties) very hard or unpleasant workendured the slavery of working in the coal mines every day of his adult life donkeyworks, drudgeries, drudges, fatigues, grinds, labors, moils, sweats, toils, travails spadeworksefforts, exertions, pains, struggles, troubleschores, duties, jobs, obligations, responsibilitiesroutines, tediums, treadmills fun, plays decompressions, eases, leisures, relaxations, reposes, restsamusements, dalliances, diversions, entertainments, recreations, sportsdormancies, inactivities, inertias |