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ripsnoun1pl. of rip a long deep cutthe hoe left rips in the lawn gashes, incisions, lacerations, rents, slashes, slits, tears abrasions, scores, scrapes, scratchesinjuries, woundscracks, fractures, ruptures, snags ripsnoun2pl. of ripa person who has sunk below the normal moral standardsomething of a rip in his youth, he eventually settled down backsliders, debauchees, debauchers, decadents, degenerates, deviates, libertines, perverts, pervs, profligates, rakehells, rakes bankrupts, delinquents, derelicts, incorrigiblesblackguards, cads, heels, knaves, miscreants, rascals, reprobates, rogues, scoundrels, villainslechers, playboys, playgirls, satyrs saints ripsverbpresent tense third-person singular of ripto cause (something) to separate into jagged pieces by violently pulling at itthe dog ripped the sleeve of my shirt by grabbing it with his teeth rends, ribbons, rives, shreds, tatters, tears breaks, cleaves, ruptures, splitscuts, gashes, incises, lacerates, slashesbutchers, dismembers, dissects, hacks, mangles to penetrate with a sharp edge (as a knife)you can see where someone ripped the painting with a penknife cuts, gashes, incises, shears, slashes, slices, slits crosscuts, hacksaws, saws, scissorscleaves, rives, splitspierces, stabsbruises, butchers, hacks, haggles, lacerates, manglesrends, tearscarves, chips, chisels, notchesanatomizes, dissects, sectionschops, dices, mincesamputates, cuts off, severs to proceed or move quicklythe car went ripping down the road barrels, belts, blasts, blazes, blows, bolts, bombs(slang), bowls, breezes, bundles, bustles, buzzes, cannonballs, careens, careers, chases, courses, cracks (on), dashes, drives, flies, hares, hastens, hies, highballs, hotfoots (it), humps, hurls, hurries, hurtles, hustles, jets, jumps, motors, nips, pelts, races, rams, rockets, runs, rushes, rustles, scoots, scurries, scuttles, shoots, speeds, steps, tears, travels, trots, whirls, whisks, zips, zooms beetles, darts, flits, scampers, scuds, scufflesstampedes, streaks, whizzesgallops, jogs, sprintsaccelerates, quickens, steps outcatches up, fast-forwards, outpaces, outruns, outstrips, overtakesarrows, beelines beats it, gets a move on, makes tracks, shakes a leg, steps on it crawls, creeps, pokes dallies, dawdles, dillydallies, drags, hangs (around or out), lags, lingers, loiters, pokes, tarriesambles, lumbers, plods, saunters, shuffles, strollsdecelerates, slows (down or up) to separate or remove by forceful pullingrip a sheet off the pad of paper tears, wrenches, wrests, yanks grabs, nabs, seizes, snaps (up), snatcheslops (off), nipsamputates, cuts (off), dissevers, seversextracts, forces, jerks, pries, prizes, pulls, roots (out), uproots reattaches |