例句 |
slimenoun soft wet earthshe picked her steps carefully so as not to get any slime on her new shoes guck(or gook), mire, muck, mud, ooze, slop, sludge, slush gumbo, siltclay, dirt, gravel, humus, loam, sand, soil a person whose behavior is offensive to othersthat guy's a real slime, so avoid him at all costs bastard, beast, bleeder(British), blighter(chiefly British), boor, bounder, bugger, buzzard, cad, chuff, churl, clown, creep, cretin, crud(slang), crumb(slang), cur, dirtbag(slang), dog, fink, heel, hound, jerk, joker, louse, lout, pill, rat, rat fink, reptile, rotter, schmuck(slang), scum, scumbag(slang), scuzzball(slang), skunk, sleaze, sleazebag(slang), sleazeball(slang), slimeball(slang), slob, snake, so-and-so, sod(chiefly British), stinkard, stinker, swine, toad, varmint, vermin barbarian, brute, caveman, Neanderthal, savageloudmouth, vulgarianlowlife, miscreant, rascal, rogue, roughneck, scab, scamp, scoundrel, villain, wretchbooby, doofus(slang), fool, jackass, nincompoop, ninny, nit(chiefly British), nitwit, nut, schmo(or schmoe, slang)airhead, birdbrain, blockhead, dink(slang), dolt, dope, dork(slang), goon, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, moron, turkeybrat, insolent, nuisance, pest, snipsnob, snoot, snotdweeb(slang), nerd son of a gun hero, heroine, idol, role modelgentleman, ladyangel, saint a person of low moral characterhe's the kind of slime that TV reality shows love to cast as a villain skank(slang), sleaze, sleazebag(slang), sleazeball(slang), slimeball(slang) slattern, trampdegenerate, libertine, perv, pervert, reprobatecreep, scumbag(slang), scuzzball(slang)pettifogger, shyster before the 12th century |