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benefitnoun a thing that helpsit would be a real benefit if you could keep track of what you have already bought advantage, aid, asset, boon, help hand, lift, pick-me-upsupport, sustenanceblessing, godsend, windfallrecourse, refuge, resort, resource disadvantage, drawback, encumbrance, hindrance, impediment, minus constraint, inhibitor, liability, obstacle, obstruction, restraint, stranglehold something that provides happiness or does good for a person or thingthe meal service is a great benefit to invalids and the elderly benediction, blessing, boon, felicity, godsend, good, manna, windfall grace, mercyfavor, kindness, mitzvahadvantage, aid, assistance, gift, help, relief, supportanodyne, comfort, consolation, solacebonus, extra, lagniappedelight, joy, pleasure affliction, bane, curse, evil, plague, scourge hex, hoodoo, jinxbother, irritant, nuisance, pestdisadvantagecross, misery, trial, tribulation benefitverbto provide with something useful or desirablehis summer internship benefited him in two ways: by giving him some tuition funds and by offering vital work experience advantage, avail, help, profit, serve succeed, work (for)aid, assistbetter, improvecontent, delight, gladden, gratify, please, satisfybless hinder, impededamage, harm, hurt, impair, injureafflict, distress, upset in the 14th century |