例句 |
face-offnoun an earnest effort for superiority or victory over anotherthe annual fall face-off between these traditional rivals is a big event for both football-mad colleges ball game, battle, combat, competition, conflict, confrontation, contention, contest, dogfight, duel, grapple, match, rivalry, strife, struggle, sweepstakes(also sweep-stake), tug-of-war, war, warfare horse race, nail-bitershowdownclash, collision, discord, frictionargument, controversy, debate, disagreement, disputation, dispute, dissension(also dissention), quarrel, row, wrangle concord, harmony, peace face offverbto engage in a contesteager to face off with her longtime tennis rival battle, compete, contend, fight, race, rival, vie challenge, engage, playjockey, jostle, maneuvergo out, try outtrain, work in 1889 |