例句 |
clerksnounpl. of clerk an official whose job is to keep recordsyou'll need to get a copy of your birth certificate from the office of the town clerk registers, registrars, scribes, secretaries archivists, bookkeepers, recorders, reporters, transcriptionistsannalists, chroniclers, documenters, historians a person employed to sell goods or services especially in a storethe clerk suggested a different brand a person specially trained and authorized to conduct religious services in a Christian churchthe clerks in the rural parishes were for the most part sons of merchants clergypersons, clericals, clerics, deacons, divines, dominies, ecclesiastics, ministers, preachers, priests, reverends churchmen, clergymen, fathers, Holy Joes(slang), padresclergywomen, deaconesses, priestessesabbots, archbishops, archpriests, bishops, deans, diocesans, monsignors(or monsignori), popes, prelates, presbytersabbés, curates, curés, parsons, pastors, rectors, shepherds, vicarschaplains, confessors, sky pilotsevangelists, missionaries, missioners, missionizers, revivalistsfriars, mendicants, monastics, monks, oblates, religioushigh priestesses, high priests laymen, laypeople, seculars(or secular) lay readers, lectors |