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paddleverb to move a boat by means of oarsI like to paddle on the river for exercise and relaxation to strike repeatedlyback in those times it was acceptable for teachers to paddle misbehaving students bash, baste, bat, batter, beat, belabor, belt, birch, bludgeon, buffet, bung up, club, curry, do, drub, fib(British), flog, hammer, hide, lace, lambaste(or lambast), lash, lather, lick, maul, mess (up), pelt, pommel, pound, pummel, punch out, rough (up), slate, slog, switch, tan, thrash, thresh, thump, tromp, wallop, whale, whip, whop(or whap), whup, work over assail, assault, attack, beset, box, bust, chop, clobber, clout, crack, cudgel, cuff, descend (on or upon), hit, jump (on), knock, lam, lay on, paste, pounce (on or upon), punch, raid, rush, slam, slap, smack, smash, sock, spank, storm, swat, swipe, thwack, whack, wham, whompblackjack, cane, cowhide, flagellate, fustigate, horsewhip, leather, pistol-whip, rawhide, scourge, strapgore, lacerate, woundmaim, mangle, mutilate beat up on in 1530 |