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hypotheticaladjective existing only as an assumption or speculationwe talked about what we would do in various hypothetical emergencies academic(also academical), conjectural, speculative, suppositional, theoretical(also theoretic) alleged, assumed, presumed, presupposed, proposed, supposed, unproved, unproven, untesteddebatable, mootabstract, conceptual, intellectual, metaphysicalnonclinical, nonpracticalnonempirical actual, factual, real clinical, practicalconcrete, defined, definite, distinctattested, authenticated, confirmed, demonstrated, established, proven, substantiated, tested, time-tested, validated, verifiedempirical(also empiric), nonspeculative, nontheoretical, observational hypotheticalnounsomething taken as being true or factual and used as a starting point for a course of action or reasoningbelieves that predictions of the extinction of certain species as the result of global warming are based upon too many hypotheticals assumption, given, if, postulate, premise(also premiss), presumption, presupposition, supposition hypothesis, proposition, theory, thesisaxiom, truism, veritybelief, canon, doctrine, dogma, gospel, lawprecept, principle, rule, standard, tenetbasis, foundation, groundconclusion, deduction, inferenceaffirmation, assertion, avouchment, declarationdictum, ipse dixit in 1588 |