例句 |
head casenoun a person having or showing a severely disordered or abnormal state of mindbrought in a counselor to work with the student they worried might be a head case bug, crackbrain, crazy, fool, fruitcake, loon, loony, lunatic, maniac, nut, nutcase, nutter(British slang), psycho, psychopath, sickie, sicko, wacko(also whacko) madman, madwomanabnormal, deviantmanic-depressive, monomaniac, mythomaniac, neurotic, obsessive, obsessive-compulsive, paranoid, psychoneurotic, psychotic, schizo, schizoid, schizophrene, schizophrenic, sociopathcharacter, codger, crack, crackpot, crank, eccentric, fantastic, flake, kook, oddball, oddity, original, quiz, screwball, tyke(also tike, chiefly British), weirdo, zanycase, patient a person of odd or whimsical habitsan area of scientific research that's a good niche for social misfits and hard-core head cases character, codger, crack, crackbrain, crackpot, crank, eccentric, flake, fruitcake, kook, nut, nutcase, nutter(British slang), oddball, oddity, original, quiz, screwball, weirdo, zany bohemian, maverick, nonconformist, quixotecoot, geezercurio, rarityfreakfantast, fantastico odd duck, piece of work conformer, conformist, follower, sheep in 1965 |