例句 |
coincidentaladjective existing or occurring at the same period of timethe nearly coincidental deaths of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, coexisting, coextensive, coincident, concurrent, contemporaneous, contemporary, coterminous, simultaneous, synchronic, synchronous accompanying, attendant, attending, concomitant, incident asynchronous, noncontemporary, nonsimultaneous, nonsynchronous present at the same time and placeclaims a connection between the proliferation of fast-food restaurants and the coincidental surge in the rate of obesity accompanying, attendant, attending, coexistent, coexisting, coincident, concomitant, concurrent contemporaneous, contemporary, simultaneous, synchronousassociated, collateral, connected, linked, relatedconsequent, resultant, resultingensuing, following, subsequentaccidental, casual, chance, fluky(also flukey), fortuitous, freak, incident, incidental unassociated, unconnected, unrelated ca. 1800 |