例句 |
auditnoun a close look at or over someone or something in order to judge conditionan energy audit of our house showed that we were losing lots of heat and needed to upgrade the insulation check, checkup, examination, going-over, inspection, look-see, review, scan, scrutiny, survey, view analysis, assay, close-up, deconstruction, dissectionexploration, investigation, probe, research, studyinquisition, interrogationonce-over, perusalrecheck, reinspection, resurveyobservation, surveillance, watchcheckout, test-drive, trial run auditverbto look over closely (as for judging quality or condition)audited the equipment to make sure that everything was in working order check (out), con, examine, inspect, overlook, oversee, review, scan, scrutinize, survey, view notice, observe, watchcomb, peruse, pore (over)analyze, dissect, parsedelve (into), explore, investigate, plumb, probe, research, studycategorize, classifypick overreinspect, rereview, resurvey go over skimglance (at or over)miss in the 15th century |