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collectedadjective free from emotional or mental agitationstayed calm and collected while she was in the MRI unit calm, composed, cool, coolheaded, equal, level, limpid, peaceful, placid, possessed, recollected, sedate, self-composed, self-possessed, serene, smooth, together, tranquil, undisturbed, unperturbed, unruffled, unshaken, untroubled, unworried even, even-keeled, steady, well-adjusted, well-balancedimperturbable, nerveless, unflappable, unshakablecentered, disciplined, equable, self-contained, self-controlledaffable, breezy, devil-may-care, easygoing, happy-go-lucky, laid-back, loosey-goosey, mellowcarefree, nonchalant, unconcernedassured, confident, self-assuredaloof, detached, dispassionate, indifferentbovine, impassive, phlegmatic, sober, stolidrelaxed, relieved, tranquilized(also tranquillized) at peace agitated, discomposed, disturbed, flustered, perturbed, unglued, unhinged, unstrung, upset anxious, bothered, distressed, uneasy, unquiet, unsettled, worriedjittery, jumpy, nervous, restless, skittish, tensehigh-strung, unstable, uptight collectedverbpast tense of collectto gain emotional or mental control ofapplicants should collect their thoughts while waiting to be interviewed calmed, composed, contained, controlled, re-collected, settled held back, restrainedrallied, recoveredlulled, quieted, soothed, stilled, tranquilized(also tranquillized) to gradually form into a layer, pile, or massdust has been collecting under my bed for years accreted, accumulated, amassed, built up, concentrated, conglomerated, gathered, massed, piled (up), stacked (up) agglutinated, clumped, lumpedbanked, drifted, ridged dispersed, dissipated, scattered to bring together from several sources into a single volume or listcollected the author's early short stories, which were originally published in several obscure sci-fi magazines anthologized, compiled edited, recompiled, redacted, redrafted, reedited, revamped, revised, reworkedaccumulated, amassed, assembled, collated, gathered, grouped to bring together in one body or placeshe collects antique silverware accumulated, amassed, assembled, bulked (up), concentrated, congregated, constellated, corralled, garnered, gathered, grouped, lumped, picked up, rounded up balled, batched, bunched, clustered, huddledheaped, piled, stackedbanded, brigaded, mustered, raised, ralliedflocked, herded, hived, packed, pressed, swarmed, throngedcombined, connected, joined, linked, merged, pooled, unitedarchived, arranged, collated, compiled, organized, systematizedscraped (up or together)re-collected, regathered, regrouped got together dispelled, dispersed, dissipated, scattered broke up, disbanded, disintegrated, dissolved, separated, severed, split (up)dismissed, sent to come together into one body or placea crowd collected at the beach as the sun slowly set over the horizon assembled, clustered, concentered, concentrated, conglomerated, congregated, convened, converged, forgathered(or foregathered), gathered, met, rendezvoused affiliated, allied, associated, banded (together), caucused, clubbed, collaborated, confederated, conjoined, consolidated, consorted, cooperated, coupled, federated, ganged up, joined, merged, unitedreassembled, reconvened, regathered, remet got together broke up, disbanded, dispersed, split (up) departed, left, took offdisjoined, dissociated, disunited adj.cool, composed, collected, unruffled, imperturbable, nonchalant mean free from agitation or excitement.cool may imply calmness, deliberateness, or dispassionateness.kept a cool head composed implies freedom from agitation as a result of self-discipline or a sedate disposition.the composed pianist gave a flawless concert collected implies a concentration of mind that eliminates distractions especially in moments of crisis.the nurse stayed calm and collected unruffled suggests apparent serenity and poise in the face of setbacks or in the midst of excitement.harried but unruffled imperturbable implies coolness or assurance even under severe provocation.the speaker remained imperturbable despite the heckling nonchalant stresses an easy coolness of manner or casualness that suggests indifference or unconcern.a nonchalant driver ca. 1548 |