例句 |
pastichenoun an unorganized collection or mixture of various thingseach addition to the house was done in a markedly different architectural idiom, and the result is a whimsical pastiche agglomerate, agglomeration, alphabet soup, assortment, botch, clutter, collage, crazy quilt, farrago, gallimaufry, grab bag, gumbo, hash, hodgepodge, hotchpotch, jambalaya, jumble, jungle, litter, macédoine, medley, mélange, menagerie, miscellanea, miscellany, mishmash, mixed bag, montage, motley, muddle, olio, olla podrida, omnium-gatherum, patchwork, patchwork quilt, potpourri, ragbag, ragout, rummage, salad, salmagundi, scramble, shuffle, smorgasbord, stew, tumble, variety, welter detritus, notions, oddments, odds and ends, sundriesaccumulation, aggregate, aggregation, conglomerate, conglomerationcatchalladmixture, alloy, amalgam, blend, combination, commixture, composite, compound, fusion, intermixture, mix-upbollix, chaos, confusion, disarrangement, disarray, disorder, dog's breakfast(chiefly British), mess, morass, shamblesimbroglio, knot, snarl, tangle in 1866 |