例句 |
coloringsnounpl. of coloring a substance used to color other materialsadded more coloring to the buttercream frosting to get the perfect shade of blue colorants, colors, dyes, dyestuffs, pigments, stains tints, tonerscasts, hues, shades, tinges the hue or appearance of the skin and especially of the facethe pale coloring of people of Irish descent colors, complexions shades, tints, tonesfeatures, lineaments, lookscountenances, faces, visages the representation of something in terms that go beyond the factsthe unexciting facts were given a sensational coloring in the local news caricatures, elaborations, embellishments, embroideries, exaggerations, hyperboles, magnifications, overstatements, paddings amplifications, enhancementsfabrications, misrepresentationshypes, pufferiessuperlatives meioses, understatements belittlements, disparagements |