例句 |
comeuppancesnounpl. of comeuppance suffering, loss, or hardship imposed in response to a crime or offenseas with many action movies, this one ends with a wild chase and an over-the-top fight sequence in which the bad guys finally get their comeuppance castigations, chastisements, corrections, deserts, disciplines, nemeses, penalties, punishments, wraths reprisals, retaliations, retributions, revenges, vengeancesassessments, charges, fines, mulctsexamples, sentencesconfinements, imprisonments, incarcerationscondemnations, damnations, denouncementscensures, criticisms, rebukes, reprimands, reproofs amnesties, indemnities, pardons, parolesacquittals, exculpations, exonerations, vindicationsexemptions, immunities, impunitiesreleasescommutations, reprievesabsolutions, remissions, remitmentscondonations, disregards |