例句 |
comfortingadjective making one feel good insidethe comforting smell of fresh bread cheering, encouraging, fulfilling, gladdening, gratifying, heartening, heartwarming, rewarding, satisfying affecting, inspiring, inspiriting, moving, poignant, stirring, touchingedifying, elevating, upliftingsympathetic, tenderkind, kindly, loving, warmanimating, enlivening, exciting, exhilarating, invigorating, rousing, stimulating, thrillingpleasing, pleasurable, welcoming demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, disheartening, dispiriting cheerless, disappointing, disgruntling, displeasing, dissatisfying, heartbreaking, heartrending, saddeningdiscomforting, disconcerting, dismaying, distressing, disturbing, upsettingcold, unfeeling, unfriendly, unkind, unloving, unpleasant tending to calm the emotions and relieve stressa long comforting soak in a hot bath calming, dreamy, lulling, narcotic, pacifying, quieting, relaxing, sedative, soothing, tranquilizing(also tranquillizing) hypnotic, opiateanalgesic, anesthetic, anodyne, deadening, depressant, numbingantianxiety, antidepressant, antidepression, antistress painful, stressful, tiresome, troubling, trying, unsettling, worrisomeenergizing, invigorating, stimulant, stimulatingaggravating, annoying, bothersome, disturbing, exasperating, frustrating, galling, grating, harassing, irksome, irritating, maddening, nettlesome, troublesome, vexatious, vexing comfortingnounthe giving of hope and strength in times of grief, distress, or sufferingthe comforting of the sick has always been regarded as one of the major acts of charity consolation, consoling, reassurance, solace, solacing commiseration, compassion, condolence, feeling, sympathycounseling(or counselling)humanity, kindheartedness, kindliness, kindness, mercy, pity comfortingverbpresent participle of comfortto ease the grief or distress ofthe first responders did their best to comfort the victims of the terrible tornado assuring, cheering, consoling, reassuring, solacing, soothing commiserating, condoling, empathizing, sympathizingboosting, buoying (up), elevating, lifting, upliftingallaying, alleviating, assuaging, relievingcalming, quieting, relaxing, tranquilizing(also tranquillizing) distressing, tormenting, torturing, troubling demoralizing, discouraging, dishearteningfretting, upsetting, worryingaggravating, intensifying, worseningannoying, irking, irritatingharassing, pestering |