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heckleverb to attack repeatedly with mean put-downs or insultsthe players were heckled by disappointed fans bait, hassle, haze, needle, ride, taunt, tease deride, gibe(or jibe), jeer, mock, ridiculeannoy, bother, bug, burn (up), chafe, fret, frost, gall, get, gnaw (at), grate, gripe, hack (off), hagride, irk, irritate, itch, nag, nark(British), nettle, peeve, pester, pique, put out, rasp, rile, ruffle, spite, trouble, vexaggravate, exasperate, goad, test, tryaggrieve, agitate, bedevil, beleaguer, discomfort, disturb, perturbbadger, dog, houndbrowbeat, bully, hectorharass, harry, persecute, plague, terrorize, torment, torture make game of, pick on bait, badger, heckle, hector, chivy, hound mean to harass by efforts to break down.bait implies wanton cruelty or delight in persecuting a helpless victim.baited the chained dog badger implies pestering so as to drive a person to confusion or frenzy.badgered her father for a car heckle implies persistent annoying or belligerent interruptions of a speaker.drunks heckled the stand-up comic hector carries an implication of bullying and domineering.football players hectored by their coach chivy suggests persecution by teasing or nagging.chivied the new student mercilessly hound implies unrelenting pursuit and harassing.hounded by creditors ca. 1825 |