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whamsnounpl. of wham a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrumentgave the TV a good wham with her fist, and suddenly the picture came back on bangs, bashes, bats, beats, belts, biffs, blows, bops, boxes, buffets, busts, chops, claps, clips, clouts, cracks, cuffs, dabs, douses(British), fillips, hacks, haymakers, hits, hooks, knocks, larrups(dialect), lashes, licks, pelts, picks, plumps, pokes, pounds, punches, raps, slams, slaps, slugs, smacks, smashes, socks, spanks, stingers, stripes, strokes, swats, swipes, switches, thuds, thumps, thwacks, wallops, welts, whacks, whops(also whaps) counterblows(or counter-blows), counterpunches, counters, counterstrokes(or counter-strokes)body blows, hands, kicks, knees, lefts, one-twos, rabbit punches, right-handers, rights, roundhouses, shivers, sidewinders, sucker punches, swings, uppercutscrunchers, kayos, knockdowns, knockouts, KOsbastinadoes(or bastinades), batterings, beatings, drubbings, lickings, pastings, thrashingswallopings, whippings, whips |