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compassnoun a guiding or motivating purpose or principlea young go-getter who lost his moral compass in the course of his quest for fame and fortune cynosure, direction, focus, lodestar(also loadstar), polestar benchmark, criterion, grade, mark, measure, par, standard, touchstone, yardstickaim, ambition, aspiration, dream, goal, intention, object, objective, purpose, target an area over which activity, capacity, or influence extendswithin the compass of my voice ambit, amplitude, breadth, confines, dimension(s), extent, range, reach, realm, scope, sweep, width gamut, spectrum, spreadbailiwick, circle, demesne, department, discipline, domain, element, fief, fiefdom, field, province, region, specialty, sphere, terrainfrontierhorizon, panorama the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of somethingwithin the compass of the city walls border, borderline, bound, boundary, brim, circumference, confines, edge, edging, end, frame, fringe, hem, margin, perimeter, periphery, rim, skirt, skirting, verge ambitbrink, crest, curb, cusp, lipceiling, maximumdemarcation, extent, limitation, measure, mere, restriction, terminationborderland, frontier, march, outskirts, pale, selvagelapshore center, core, heartinner, inside, interior, middle, within compassverbto carry through (as a process) to completionattempting more than his modest abilities could compass accomplish, achieve, bring off, carry off, carry out, commit, do, execute, follow through (with), fulfill(or fulfil), make, negotiate, perform, perpetrate, prosecute, pull off, put through bring about, effect, effectuate, implementace, nailengage (in), practice(also practise)work (at)reduplicate, reenact, repeatactualize, attain, realizecomplete, end, finish, wind up go through failskimp, slight, slur to travel completely aroundthe great age of exploration, when ships of sail compassed the earth circle, circuit, circumnavigate, circumvent, encircle, girdle, orbit, ring, round circumambulate, cross, perambulate, traverse to engage in a secret plan to accomplish evil or unlawful endsthe rebels are compassing the assassination of the king collude, connive, conspire, contrive, intrigue, machinate, plot, put up, scheme counterplotbrew, concoct, cook (up), devise, hatchengineer, jockey, maneuver, manipulatedesign, frame, lay out, map, plan, shape to form a circle arounda mysterious isle, compassed by treacherous seas circle, embrace, encircle, enclose(also inclose), encompass, environ, gird, girdle, ring, surround, wreathe circumscribe, close in, cordon (off), fence (in), hem (in), wallbeset, besiege, entrench(also intrench), invest, swarm to have a clear idea ofthe concept that the earth is billions of years old is one that the average mind struggles to compass appreciate, apprehend, assimilate, behold, catch, catch on (to), cognize, comprehend, conceive, cotton (to or on to), decipher, decode, dig, discern, get, grasp, grok, intuit, know, make, make out, perceive, recognize, register, savvy, see, seize, sense, tumble (to), twig, understand absorb, digest, take inrealizefathom, penetrate, pierce pick up on miss misapprehend, misconceive, misconstrue, misinterpret, misperceive, misread, mistake, misunderstand n.range, gamut, compass, sweep, scope, orbit mean the extent that lies within the powers of something (as to cover or control).range is a general term indicating the extent of one's perception or the extent of powers, capacities, or possibilities.the entire range of human experience gamut suggests a graduated series running from one possible extreme to another.a performance that ran the gamut of emotions compass implies a sometimes limited extent of perception, knowledge, or activity.your concerns lie beyond the narrow compass of this study sweep suggests extent, often circular or arc-shaped, of motion or activity.the book covers the entire sweep of criminal activity scope is applicable to an area of activity, predetermined and limited, but somewhat flexible.as time went on, the scope of the investigation widened orbit suggests an often circumscribed range of activity or influence within which forces work toward accommodation.within that restricted orbit they tried to effect social change in the 14th century |