例句 |
hews (to)verbpresent tense third-person singular of hew (to) to give steadfast support tono longer was able to hew to the party line and so he switched political parties adheres (to), clings (to), keeps (to), stands by, sticks (to or with) cleaves (to)advocates, backs, champions, confirms, defends, endorses(also indorses), espouses, supports, upholdsaccepts, adopts, cherishes, cultivates, embraces, follows, fosters, heedsbackstops, bolsters, boosts, buttresses, enforces, reinforces(also reenforces) abides by, holds to, lives up to defects (from) abandons, abnegates, deserts, forsakes, gives up, relinquishes, spurns, surrendersabjures, recalls, recants, reconsiders, reneges, renounces, retracts, revokes, takes back, unsays, withdrawscontroverts, disagrees (with), disproves, disputes, rebuts, refutescontradicts, denies, disavows, disclaims, disowns, gainsays, negates, negatives, repudiatesbacks down, backs off, backtracks |