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resumeverb to begin again or return to after an interruptionwe resumed the game as soon as the rain had passed continue, pick up, proceed (with), renew, reopen, restart resuscitate, reviverecrudesce complete, conclude, consummate, end, finalize, finishbelay, break, can(slang), cease, check, cut, desist, discontinue, drop, halt, knock off, leave off, quit, scuttle, shut off, stay, stop, terminate résuménounor resume also resuméa short statement of the main pointsa book on the assassination that is in effect a résumé of all of the evidence that points to a conspiracy abstract, breviary, brief, capsule, conspectus, digest, encapsulation, epitome, inventory, outline, précis, recap, recapitulation, roundup, run-through, rundown, sum, sum-up, summa, summarization, summary, summing-up, synopsis, wrap-up abbreviation, abridgment(or abridgement), compend, compendium, condensation, curtailment, shorteningsimplification, streamliningrehash, repriseconclusion, epilogue(also epilog) amplification, enlargement, expansionaddendum, supplement in the 15th century |