例句 |
paymentsnounpl. of payment the act of offering money in exchange for goods or servicesthey are very prompt in the payment of their credit card bills something (as money) that is given or received in return for goods or servicesour payment for all the work we did barely covered our expenses we finally mailed our last car payment last week compensations, considerations, pays, recompenses, remittances, remunerations, requitals salaries, stipends, wagesdisbursements, expenditures, outlaysrebates, refundsindemnities, recoupments, redresses, reparations, restitutionsadjustments, settlementsdepositsreimbursements, repaymentsprepaymentsoverpaymentsrentals, rents the money paid regularly to a person for labor or servicesyour payment will be issued as a weekly check emoluments, hires, packets(British), paychecks, pay envelopes, pays, salaries, stipends, wages living wages, minimum wages, nominal wages, take-home paysdouble times, overtimes, time and a halfscompensations, recompenses, remittances, remunerations, requitals, returnsrecoupments, redresses, reparations, restitutionsreimbursements, repaymentsearnings, profits, takings, yields |