例句 |
compatriotnoun a person living in or originally from the same country as anotheran appeal to all of his compatriots to come to their country's aid in its hour of need countryman, landsman countrywomannationalist, patriotcitizen, national, subjectaborigine, nativeresident alien, foreigner, immigrant, outsider a person frequently seen in the company of anotherdoesn't indulge in the lavish lifestyle of his compatriots in the movie business associate, cohort, companion, compeer, comrade, crony, fellow, hobnobber, mate, running mate colleague, coworker, equal, peer, workmateaccomplice, affiliate, ally, collaborator, confederate, half, partnerbuddy, chum, confidant, familiar, friend, hearty, intimate, palcountrymanclassmate, housemate, messmate, playfellow, playmate, roommate(also roomie), schoolmate, shipmate, teammateattendant, escorthanger-on, leech, parasite in 1611 |