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reasoningadjective having the ability to reasonjudged by the courts not to be a reasoning being who could be held accountable for his crimes intelligent, rational, reasonable, thinking analytic(or analytical), logicalbrainy, cerebral, highbrow, highbrowed, intellectualcognitional, cognitive, mentallevelheaded, practical, sane, sensible, sober irrational, nonrational, nonthinking, unintelligent, unreasonable, unreasoning, unthinking brainless, dense, doltish, dopey(also dopy), dorky(slang), dull, dumb, fatuous, half-witted, mindless, obtuse, senseless, slow, stupid, thickheadedfallacious, groundless, illogical, invalid, nonsensical reasoningnounthe thought processes that have been established as leading to valid solutions to problemsyour reasoning here is faulty, for although all wives are spouses, not all spouses are wives intellection, logic, ratiocination, reason, sense cogency, coherence, logicality, logicalness, rationality, rationalnessconvincingness, persuasivenesssyllogism, synthesisanalysis, dissectiondeduction, inductionargumentation, disputation illogic, incoherenceabsurdity, brainlessness, insanity, irrationality, nonsensicalness, preposterousness, senselessness reasoningverbpresent participle of reasonto form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and informationshe reasoned that since all of the cakes were on sale for the same price, she might as well pick the biggest one concluding, deciding, deducing, deriving, extrapolating, gathering, inferring, judging, making out, understanding assuming, supposingconjecturing, guessing, speculating, surmisingconstruing, interpreting, readingcontemplating, philosophizing, rationalizing, thinkingascertaining, doping (out), finding out drawing a conclusion to state (something) as a reason in support of or against something under considerationhe tried to reason that no one in their right mind would buy his brother's old video games, but they were put on the online auction anyway arguing, asserting, contending, maintaining, pleading adducing, citing, mentioningclaiming, insistingaffirming, averring, avouching, avowingadvancing, giving, offering, proposing, submittingadvising, counseling(or counselling), recommending, suggesting, urgingconvincing, persuadingadvocating, championing, defending, enforcing, espousing, supportingexplaining, justifying, rationalizingconsidering, debating, discussingconfuting, countering, disproving, rebutting, refuting in the 14th century |