例句 |
compositesnounpl. of composite a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more different thingsa striking composite of two separate images admixtures, alloys, amalgamations, amalgams, blends, cocktails, combinations, compounds, conflations, emulsions, fusions, intermixtures, melds, mixes, mixtures, syntheses half-and-halfsabsorptions, coalescences, coalitions, commixtures, composts, concretions, homogenizations, immixtures, incorporations, integrations, interfusions, mergences, mergersassortments, hashes, hodgepodges, hotchpotches, jumbles, medleys, mélanges, mishmashes, motleys, patchworks, potpourris, varietiesaccumulations, aggregations, conglomerations components, constituents, elements, ingredients compositesverbpresent tense third-person singular of compositeto turn into a single mass or entity that is more or less the same throughoutwood chips can be composited or sold as mulch amalgamates, blends, combines, comingles, commingles, commixes, concretes, conflates, fuses, homogenizes, immingles, immixes, incorporates, integrates, interfuses, intermingles, intermixes, melds, merges, mingles, mixes adds, admixes, beats (in), cuts in, folds, stirs, tossescoalesces, compounds, emulsifiesconjoins, joins, knits, links, unitesintertwines, interweaves, weaves breaks down, breaks up, separates, unmixes cleaves, disjoins, disunites, divides, divorces, parts, ruptures, severs, sundersdisperses, dissolves, scattersdetaches, disengages, splits |